Number 6 Squadron Royal Air Force has the proud distinction of having the longest record of continuous service of any air force squadron in the world. From its formation in January 1914, Six Squadron saw continuous service until 2007 followed by a brief stand down until re-equipping with the Eurofighter Typhoon. The Squadron is now based at RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland and is operational in both the air defence and ground attack roles.
The 6 Squadron Association is open to all members, ex members and others who have served or been attached to the Squadron in the past. It provides a means of maintaining contact with former colleagues, through reunions and a quarterly newsletter dedicated to news and Squadron History. Contact details and membership applications can be found in the Membership section here.
The Eyes of the Army
“Oculi Exercitus” inscribed on the Squadron Crest together with the “Gunners Stripe” featured on the aircraft roundel indicates the essential role of the Squadron from the very beginning in support of ground operations. From the beginning of the First World War, 6 Squadron was involved in army co-operation and artillery spotting, serving with great distinction on the Western front. This tradition continued during a long period of service in the Middle East during the inter war years. Operations during the Second World War in the Desert, against Rommel’s armour gained the nickname of “The Flying Tin-openers”.
- 6 Sqn Crest
- Gunner’s Stripe
- Tin-opener Badge